Building Learning Communities through SlideShare

Slideshare is an online community where users can share their presentation whether it is PowerPoint, Word documents, PDFs, videos, or webinars. Users can create a free account or upgrade to SlideShare PRO for several premium features (e.g. ad free page and uploading presentation privately). The free account also allows users to download presentation, embed any presentation on blogs and website, as well as share presentations on Twitters, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Recently, Slideshare released new features as following:

  • Zipcast that allows users to conduct a web meeting in just 1 click.
  • Slidecast that allows users to sync mp3 audio in their presentation
  • Embedding YouTube videos inside SlideShare presentations

I believe that SlideShare is a useful tool for business and academic. Also, SlideShare can serve as a tool to build a learning community that everyone from everywhere can share and contribute knowledge and skills. Through Zipcast and other SlideShare features, collaboration can be done in just one click. I think we educators should get to the habit of building learning community through sharing. In addition, we should always acknowledge those who we build knowledge or skills upon. Disseminating information is one way to make our academic world better and stronger. Additionally, it is a good way to reach out to other communities. I admit that sometimes it is hard for educators to trust others not to plagiarize their works which they put time and effort to build. However, we need to help others including our students to avoid accidental plagiarism by teaching our students on how to and/or including both speaking and writing citations at the end of the presentations.

Dr. Yuen has utilized SlideShare to disseminate his presentations with others including his students and educational community. He posts his SlideShare through his blog and class websites. I actually like this idea a lot. Actually, he uploaded our PowerPoint presentation that we gave together at 2011 Creating Future through Technology (CFTT) conference on SlideShare. In the future, I plan to upload my presentation through SlideShare as well.

In this assignment, I chose to share the presentation that Amy Thornton and I gave at 2010 CFTT conference. However, we did not record our presentation so I synced mp3 audio with slides. I had a good time exploring SlideShare through this assignment. I am convinced that slidecast feature in SlideShare is another good way to create vodcast for class lecture. Furthermore, slidecast through SlideShare is a great way for students an online class to share and comment their presentations.


SlideShare 101

Embedding YouTube video in SlideShare

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Keenon Wynn
    May 02, 2011 @ 08:26:43

    This was a great collection of slideshares you posted. Having them in this blog is a great resource. Slideshare is so easy to use and I love the fact that you can add an audio track. This is a tool I will share with my students and encourage them to use- I just wish their presentations would be as good as yours! 😉


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